OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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I'm On A Boat

In an announcement that's sure to sadden many of us at mod7, Hulu has slammed HTML 5 saying it "doesn't yet meet all of our customers' needs".

While we agree that HTML5 still has about a year of catching up to do until it can compete with Flash on video --and only about a decade of catching up to do on gaming and "deep" interactivity--we're mainly sad because it means we still won't be able to use our iPads to watch our favourite SNL content.

(Never mind the fact that Hulu is geo-blocked in Canada anyway.)

And at the glacial speed that HTML specs are updated (and never mind adoption of those specs), the enhancements that Hulu is looking for may not happen anytime soon.