OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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mod7 was part of the Elite team that did an epic Rollout for 's newest Evolution, localizing online content across six languages, multiple continents, and who-knows-how-many fans. We applied HM05 (that's Flash™, or TM70 for you n00bs) all over the site, HyperFangML, and Focused our Energy on Pokémon visuals. It was a wild Conversion for us, which (as you can probably tell) has impacted our team lexicon somewhat.

(Special thanks to our good friends at OpenRoad who actually did all of the hard work. They really just asked us to hang out during the project and look cute. Which we're good at doing.)

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