OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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Things are looking good in the new stoo-day-oh. We can finally breathe and move around without bashing our hips, and I think that'll translate into more efficient designers, smokin' websites and lots and lots of money.

Shopping for the office is fun and not so fun. I just love running out and spending the boss's money on stuff that I think will look cool or will make the office swankier. Then I realize that I am the boss. Nuts. Then I go and return useless crap that the boss thinks is too expensive. What a jerk.

I spent much of last week at Home Depot. And IKEA. And shopping for furniture in the middle of the day. I ended up buying a couch and chair set (I was initially opposed to the pedestrian idea of a "set", how droll) from Moe's. Yes -- a furniture place called Moe's. But it's cool -- the dude's name is really "Moe", so whatever.

At the start of the move we were all stoked, which is probably why things got done faster. We were out of the old place and into the new literally within a few hours. But by the end of week number one of "moving mode" -- between client work intrusions (what? we still have to work ??), shopping numbness, and brittle plaster walls that don't hold up pictures very well -- much momentum was lost. In the end, it took one day of me taking a hard-core "I'm not leaving until I'm frickin' done" attitude to rock out and clear the decks. I rocked out with the organization, man. In anticipation of the new couch set, actually. We had to make room.

Now, there's still a pile of cardboard rubble in the corner of one room, and I have stacks of docs and papers a mile high to review, but it finally feels like it's coming together.

We have red lockers.

We have comfortable yet stylish seating.

We have nice track lighting.

We have a coffee table with design-y mags and type books I've never had time to open.

There's still a lot on the 2-frickin-do list (plants, picture frames to mount, rubble removal, sinks to put in, and on), but it's closer than ever. I'm looking forward to the mod7 "open house" -- when we invite all our clients and friends to casually drop by and help us drain our fridge of all the beer that BURNKIT sent us.

Cause it's probably the one time I'll get the chance to actually use our new couch set.

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