OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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This column from PC Magazine  is a funny read for us HTML geeks. The author seems to get a few things wrong (or glosses over a few steps in logic), like in his assertion that:

"...CSS's real benefit was that the layout not only could be changed easily but also could become dynamic: The content is stored in a database and presented as necessary, with instant updates."

We all know that this really has nothing to do with CSS, but whatever...

If anything, this article underscores the true broken promise of web standards: you still need to pay a design professional oodles of money if you want to do it "right". CSS for the masses has failed, thus far.