OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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Ha ha! Sounds like a Futurama character.

Will keyword representation on blogs be yet another measurement of the technology divide? It certainly an indicator of public focus (mainstream and geekoid), although I'm not sure what that means in the big picture.

Regardless, before Gnibber gets too widely accepted, let me point out some statistical shortfalls:

  1. I suppose Technorati is the premiere blog aggregator, but is it truly representative?
  2. A standard measure of time would need to be established as a baseline, or the numbers are meaningless. GNP is usually annual for obvious reasons. I think a Gnibber should always be daily. Just because. (But then we would need accurate population numbers on a daily basis. Oh dear, this is getting too complicated.)
  3. Any number that needs to resort to negative exponents is retarded. Therefore, a Gnibber should be per thousand to bring the number up to something more meaningful. (Gniberths? Wouldn't that be fun to say over and over again - instant lisp.)
  4. Places with higher Gnibbers aren't always the coolest places. However, the comparison of Vancouver to Toronto does indeed confirm that Van is far cooler than TO, as does this comparison:

"Canada" posts the past 1 day
(12/10's avg Gnibber = ~0.22, using the new per thousand metric).

"United States" posts in the past 1 days
(12/10's avg Gnibber = ~0.03).

Granted, there are more variations on United States (USA, US, the States, the Great Satan, etc.) than on Canada, but it sounds odd that the Canada should outrun the US by a whopping 7 times.

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