OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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That Bing Gordon is a smart guy.

From: Game Tycoon Interview with Bing Gordon (EA), here are my fave Gordonisms:

Fave business quote of the day:

"Once you find out that the trick to business is making 'marginal revenue equal marginal cost', the rest of financial planning is conceptually easy."
Fave creative quote of the day:
"The trick to finishing any creative project on schedule is to ship whatever is done by a given date. This is what advertising agencies usually do with the commercials they create. Of course, no one remembers that it was on time after it fails miserably."
Fave strategy quote of the day:
"I think our industry’s greatest challenge is to transition from technology-based to creativity-based experiences."
(That's not just hype-jargoning---think about it for sec, and how it applies to creating a mainstream business advantage.)

Fave interesting-way-to-look-at-it quote of the day:

"Our industry’s biggest business challenge is to figure out how to convince consumers to pay 'fair value' for the increased quality we are delivering. We need to monetize our 'excess hours' of satisfied play. Our best games are unbelievably cheap on a per hour basis, compared to, say $1.00 per hour for paperback books, and $5-10 an hour for movies and DVD's."
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