OpenRoad + Mod7

Two pioneering organizations, together at last.

OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7.

Read the letter from our Principal

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OpenRoad is pleased to announce the acquisition of creative agency Mod7. Read the letter from our Principal.

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The City of Vancouver launches new $3 million website

Posted on August 10, 2012 in Design by Mod7

The City of Vancouver just launched their new  website, which cost the citizenry $3,000,000. Does that sound like a lot of dough? A handful of…

These very cool and very stylish sensors provide a connection between the iPhone and the real world, opening up new possibilities for design and…

From the totally-out-of-left-field-but-maybe-not-if-you-think-about-it department, Amazon is now a games studio, apparently. This move comes just as…

Square is set to disrupt not only the inane payments-processing industry, but even the way people deal with credit and capital. But before it can do…

When your audience is on the move by definition, it makes good sense to reach them with a digital platform that's mobile-friendly. Pedal…

This interesting infographic by Pappas Group explores the radical shift in the importance of social media to brands advertising during the Olympics…

The position that higher education (and education in general) is sorely falling behind the times is no longer a contentious one. Nearly everyone…

Facebook's Q2 2012 has ended and the results are in. So how's it going, Facebook? Revenues up, but slowly. Average revenue per user (ARPU) is still…

Between Kiva and Kickstarter there would seem to be room for lots of other types of crowdsourced business endeavours.Enter Smallknot .Online…

Subtitle your life.

Posted on July 25, 2012 in Technology by Mod7

Computer scientists at the University of Rochester, New York, are developing an app for deaf people that could deliver subtitles for live events. By…